Panchagavya Treatment Facial Kit


Gomutra (Cow Urine) is rich in minerals, enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants. Its keratinolytic content accelerates the cell renewal process thereby evening the skin tone and maintaining the overall health of the skin. Its natural allantoin molecules help in multiplication and synthesis of cellular matrix.

Gomay (Cow Dung) is an ancient skin fairness ingredient and known for its extremely effective anti-ageing properties. The mineral & antioxidant content of Gomay increases cell turnover and fights free radicals. Gomay is considered a natural face pack in traditional beauty treatments since ages.

Godugadha (Cow Milk) is also known as a natural Ojas (complexion) enhancer of the body and skin. It is filled with energy that is used as a natural skin rejuvenator in traditional ayurvedic and beauty treatments.

Godadhi (Cow Curd) is acidic in nature and thereby protects skin mantle. The concentrate mass of milk proteins in Godadhi provide skin elasticity and impart radiance & lustre. It is a rich source of vitamins, minerals & proteins that help enhance and brighten skin tone.

Goghrita (Cow Ghee) is the finest fuel for skin & body. It builds up all the internal juices of the body (Rasa, including collagen & retinol), thereby prevent premature skin ageing. It increases body Ojas (complexion) by toning and balancing skin cells.


1. Apply the cleansing milk on your face and neck. With wet hands, gently massage for 5 minutes in circular motion with upward and lifting strokes and wipe off with moist cotton.

2. Dispense 10g of powder scrub in a Potli & tie a knot as you fasten the strings. Soak this potli in a bowl of water for 10 minutes. Gently scrub your face & neck with potli, in circular motion with upward & outward strokes for approximately 5-10 minutes depending on your skin requirement. Now dispense the scrub by opening the potli in a bowl & add water to make a watery thin paste. Apply this paste on face and neck and allow it to semi dry for approximately 5 minutes. Rinse off with water.

3. Lightly apply the massage cream on your face and neck and massage firmly with upward and outward strokes in circular motion till it gets absorbed completely.

4. Apply the hydrating gel all over the face and neck avoiding eyes. Gently massage in circular motion with upward and lifting strokes till it gets absorbed completely.

5. Add 20 gm of Modeling Mask to 40 ml water. Stir with spatula to form a thick paste. Apply thick and even layer all over the face. Allow the mask to set for 15 minutes. Gently peel off and rinse off with water.

6. Apply 3 to 5 drops of Face Serum on damp skin and gently massage till it gets absorbed completely.


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