5 Tips for Choosing Skincare

5 Tips for Choosing Skincare

samgalleria.com – Entering their teenage years, usually many children start to experience problems with their facial skin, such as acne, oily, dry skin, blackheads, and many more. Even though this is a normal thing that occurs as an effect of puberty, hormonal changes, or excessive exposure to dust and sunlight, it needs to be addressed immediately so that they can have healthy and youthful skin.

It’s not enough just to maintain a healthy diet, the use of skincare products for beginners is also starting to be recommended source by slot88.

Tips for Choosing Skincare for Beginners

The many skincare choices on the market often make teenagers feel confused about which products to choose to keep their skin healthy and youthful. Added to this is the lack of knowledge about skin health. But there’s no need to worry, here are some tips for choosing skincare for beginners that you must understand:

Recognize skin type

Before choosing skincare, knowing what type of skin you have is very important. The reason is, this is where you can understand what type of skincare suits your skin type.

One way you can find out is to observe your facial skin throughout the day. Reporting from Popmama.com, here are four skin classifications with different skin types:

– Oily skin: skin looks shiny due to excessive oil production,
– Dry skin: skin with dry, scaly areas that may feel tight
– Combination skin: skin that has a combination of oily and scaly areas
– Sensitive skin: skin with red, irritated areas that usually feel painful when touched.

Recognize skin problems

After identifying your skin type, the next tip for choosing skincare is to understand what problems are occurring on your facial skin, whether it is acne, dry skin, black spots, dull skin, or other skin problems. This way, you will know better which product to choose.

Buy basic products first

As a beginner, there is no need to immediately buy products that are too complicated and too expensive, try to buy basic products, such as face cleanser, toner, moisturizer and sunscreen. Don’t worry, these products are enough to protect your skin during your daily activities. If later you feel it is necessary, you can start buying serum, eye cream, night cream and a series of other products.

Determine a budget

Before buying skincare that is safe for beginners, make sure to collect a budget first. No need to overdo it, you can buy skincare products in mini sizes. If it suits your facial skin, then you can buy a larger size later.

Try it straight away

After buying a skincare product, you should immediately try applying it to your face. This is very important to do to find out what reactions occur on facial skin to the skincare used. If your skin feels itchy or burning, you should stop using it immediately!

No need for skincare with active ingredients

There’s no need to immediately try various products with active ingredients such as vitamin C, AHA, BHA, retinoids and acids in them. Relax, everything has its time. What you need now is to apply skincare products that are safe for beginners, namely basic products.

Choose skincare that suits your skin’s pH

Make sure that the series of skincare products you choose can produce a balanced pH on facial skin. According to Hellosehat, a good pH for the face is in the range of 4–5.5. Don’t let the series of products make your skin dry or make your skin even more oily.

Adjusts to skin temperature

Choose skincare products according to skin temperature, because temperature and weather greatly affect the condition of our skin. For example, during the rainy or cold season, where the skin tends to be drier and needs more hydration, then choose skincare that is moisturizing. On the other hand, during summer the skin tends to be more sweaty and oily, which can trigger acne. Therefore, you should choose skincare with ingredients that can reduce excess oil production on facial skin.

Check the distribution permit for the selected skincare product

Don’t just buy skincare products carelessly just because of trends or be tempted by advertisements on social media, you should first check the distribution permit for the product you are going to choose. Make sure the product has received permission from BPOM (Food and Drug Supervisory Agency). To check, you can look at the QR barcode for the distribution permit from BPOM which is usually printed on the product packaging.

Pay attention to the raw materials and find out product reviews

Last but not least, pay attention to the ingredients in the product. Prioritize skincare products that are made from natural ingredients and contain minimal or no additional chemical substances in them which can sometimes actually harm our skin. Apart from that, what is no less important to do is look at reviews from users. From this review you can get insight and be ready to try it.

5 Reasons Why It’s Important to Take Care of Your Skin

It’s not just about maintaining the cleanliness and health of facial skin, it is very important to take care of facial skin from an early age. Quoting from Hellosehat.com, here are the reasons why it is important to care for facial skin in our lives, especially for beginners.

Prevents premature aging such as black spots, dull skin, sagging skin, and fine wrinkles due to exposure to sunlight, dust, pollution, dirt, cigarette smoke, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

  • Having healthy facial skin is a long-term investment in our lives.
  • Prevents skin problems, one of which is acne which is very disturbing to your appearance.
  • Reduces the risk of developing skin cancer.
  • Can make your appearance more attractive and increase your self-confidence.

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